Minnesota Payroll Services
Minnesota Payroll Tax And Labor Laws
Get your Minnesota State Tax ID Number
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Click Here to Obtain State Unemployment Tax ID
Did you know that under the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees must be paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, rather than the state minimum pay of $10.08 per hour (for large companies) or $8.21 per hour for all other businesses?
Minnesota Wage and Hour Laws
Employees working for big companies must be paid at least $10.08 per hour, while employees working for small firms must be paid at least $8.21 per hour. Employers classified as large are those with yearly gross sales or revenue of at least $500,000. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is required for employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Except for the following personnel, who are not covered:
- salespeople who make at least 80% of their sales outside of their employer’s facilities;
- employees in the agriculture industry;
- drivers of taxicabs
- individuals whose qualifications and hours are controlled by the United States Department of Transportation;
- sailors; and
- religious orders’ members
Minnesota Payroll for Employers
Minnesota Unemployment:
Taxable Wage Base ($000s): 35,000
New Employer Rate (% Taxable Wages) 1.1 – 9.0*
Minnesota Income Tax Withholding
Employers in Minnesota are required to deduct income tax from the earnings of both residents and non-residents.
Every Minnesota employer is required to deduct state taxes from taxable earnings provided to covered employees.
Minnesota has reciprocal agreements with Michigan and North Dakota, requiring nonresidents to verify that they are entitled to tax credits for income taxes paid to their home state. Residents of Minnesota who work in Michigan or North Dakota are free from withholding and tax filing obligations in those states.
Minnesota Benefits
Minnesota Voting Rights:
Employer Right to Schedule Voting Hours Yes
Pay Deduction for Voting Time Leave Prohibited
Employers in Minnesota are required to provide employees enough time off to vote. The legislation does not define how much time off employees must be given.
Minnesota State Tax Resources
Question on FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act)
See What is FUTA article
AccuServe Payroll disavows any responsibility or warranty for the information on these state payroll pages. The material provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Verify this information with professional tax, legal, or other experts to see if and how it applies to your specific circumstances.
This website provides articles that are intended to be informative and educational. AccuServe Payroll is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information provided on these pages. AccuServe Payroll does not necessarily agree with or support any of the views stated in the materials. The information contained in these documents should not be construed as legal or accounting advice, nor should it be used to replace legal, accounting, or other professional advice where the facts and circumstances justify it. If you need legal or accounting advice or other professional assistance, to address your specific facts, circumstances, and business needs, you should always consult a licensed attorney, accountant, or other tax specialists.