Nevada Payroll Services

Nevada Payroll Tax And Labor Laws

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Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming are the only states without a state income tax.

Nevada Wage and Hour Laws

Employees covered by Nevada’s minimum wage statute must be paid $9 per hour. Employers who offer health insurance must pay their employees $8 per hour.

Except for the following personnel, who are not covered:

    • minimum wage, tip credit, or other minimum wage provisions have been waived in explicit and unambiguous language for workers working under a recognized collective bargaining agreement;
    • under-the-age-of-eighteen-year-olds;
    • employees who labor for a nonprofit organization after school or during the summer; and
    • employees who are hired as trainees for up to 90 days.

Nevada Payroll for Employers

Employers who are subject to Nevada’s wage payment legislation are required to pay wages at least twice a month. Wages earned before to the first of the month must be paid by 8:00 a.m. on the 15th of the following month, and wages earned prior to the 16th of the month must be paid by 8:00 a.m. on the final day of the month. Employees and employers can agree on a different payment schedule, but it cannot be a requirement of employment. Employees and employers can come to an agreement on a different payment schedule, but it cannot be a requirement of employment.

Nevada Unemployment:

Taxable Wage Base ($000s):                        33,400

New Employer Rate (% Taxable Wages)    2.95

Nevada Income Tax Withholding

Nevada does not require income tax withholding.

Nevada Benefits

Nevada Voting Rights:

Employer Right to Schedule Voting Hours         Yes

Pay Deduction for Voting Time Leave                 Prohibited

Employers in Nevada are required to provide employees enough time off to vote.

In Nevada, all businesses must provide their employees time off to vote. The scope of this overview is limited to private employers.

Employers must provide workers one hour of leave if they work within two miles of the polling location, two hours if they work more than two but less than ten miles from the polling place, and three hours if they work more than ten miles from the polling place. Employees can be absent from work for voting if their employer allows it.

Nevada State Tax Resources


Question on FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act)

See What is FUTA article

AccuServe Payroll disavows any responsibility or warranty for the information on these state payroll pages. The material provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Verify this information with professional tax, legal, or other experts to see if and how it applies to your specific circumstances.

This website provides articles that are intended to be informative and educational. AccuServe Payroll is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information provided on these pages. AccuServe Payroll does not necessarily agree with or support any of the views stated in the materials. The information contained in these documents should not be construed as legal or accounting advice, nor should it be used to replace legal, accounting, or other professional advice where the facts and circumstances justify it. If you need legal or accounting advice or other professional assistance, to address your specific facts, circumstances, and business needs, you should always consult a licensed attorney, accountant, or other tax specialists.

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